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Abbott, Amy Spanish
Behrends, Sabrina English
Bland, Taryn Family and Consumer Science
Bradley, Blake Social Studies
Brunner, Ed Science
Budd, Jami English
Bundy, Rhonda Special Education
Burdick, Colby PE
DeMeio, Rebekah Special Education
Dotson, Amanda Science
Downs, Neysa Science
Grider, Hannah Art
Grinestaff, Brooke Social Studies
Hanes, Anna Marie Technology
Kendall, Nick Social Studies
McClelland, Lauri Special Education
Minton, Taylor PE
Roberts, Mike Math
Rotz, BJ PE
Rotz, Lindsey Math
Shumate, Cindy English
Shumate, Jeff English
Taylor, Erik Vocal Music
Von Qualen, Kathy English
Weirman, Chris Math
Whitley, Marcia English